Tuesday, June 29, 2004
...if you're desperately bored or have an addiction to voting in polls. In case the previous sentence didn't tip you off, the Blog of the Danmmed is proud to bring you another poll! The results of the previous poll indicated that Quiggy and I are evil mutant lobster chickens, which would explain why typing is so difficult. Thank goodness for mail-order helper monkeys!
Monday, June 28, 2004
[insert pointless title here]
Um... yeah, in case anyone is wondering why i dont answer calls and email, its becuase im going to cali. Oh yeah and when i come back my mom is making me " be more socail" and do a bunch of camps so if dougie or gabo or any of the other people in that art camp feel the need to include a struggling cartoonist into your little portait and landscape posse just post the info about the camp, thanks.
Sunday, June 27, 2004
Help! I need somebody! Help! Not Just anybody! Help! Ya know I need someone! Help!
Ok, Dear Dopugie/ Ben/ Matt/ anyone who can help,
How do I post an image on a blog?
How do I post an image on a blog?
Saturday, June 26, 2004
I love Styx!!!!!!!!!!!!
That was the greatest concert I've ever been to...ever! Ok, Peter Frampton was amazing on the guitar. For those of you who love the guitar I suggest you listen to one of his songs. But, STYX IS THE GREATEST BAND!!!!!!! I know most of you expected Styx to be old and crippled by now, but it has been more than 4 decades ago since Styx started (so they must be in thier late 40's, early 50's, or late 50's) but they were dancing around up there jumping over the equipment, doing highkicks, and seemed they were in their 30's! Their voices even sounded exactly the same from the early years! The person who played the keyboard (and did a lot of the lead singing) is officially my new hero. He's also really amusing. Randomly in the middle of the concert he turned to the rest of Styx and said, "Well, we know you can rock, but can you...rag-time?" And he started playing rag-time on the keyboard and everyone on stage started square dancing. And all of Styx was steaming hot, with their tight, tight, tight, tight pants, esp. the keyboardist who had the tighest pants of all, and...well, I'll just stop there, for all of your sakes...STYX ROCKS!!!!!!!!!
Friday, June 25, 2004
compromise with Neon
Neon (aka Evan), I have a compromise. If you never try to destroy BotD, I am willing to have you have our members joining your blog, so long as you never insult BotD's admins (in an admin sense) or try to destroy BotD. If you agree, send me an invitation to quiggy@gmail.com. Cool!
Thursday, June 24, 2004
Tuesday, June 22, 2004
jeez people i dont no who neon is!!! im not trying to be mean, just please tell me who it is,i didnt no if he was a complete stranger or w/e, is he the one who posted on the crap on the chatterbox??
Memorandum to Neon
Quiggy is not being oppressive; he is discriminating accordingly. So far in its virtual existence, The Blog of the Danmmed has existed as a haven for Montgomery students, now ex-Montgomery students of course, and he is merely sticking by the principles on which this blog was founded. While in the future there may be exceptions to this, you have not made an overly convincing case for yourself. I hope that future animosity between the denizens of the BotD and yourself may be avoided, and I do apologize if the current configuration of the BotD has caused you any distress. However, we are currently unable to fulfill your wish to join, and as your present actions contradict any perceived desire you might have to join, we do not see a possibility of a wish of that nature being fulfilled in the foreseeable future. Once again, I apologize for the inconvenience.
i dont no who u are but if you dont/havent gone to montgomery you cant join...there is nothing oppresive about that, and no one things you should join, especially if you keep being annoying on comments and the chatterbox
Question for Everyone:
Who is Neon, and HOW THE HECK ARE DOUGIE AND I BEING OPPRESSIVE??? That new rule is already gone, and was simply to try to catch who ever was making fun of people via the Chatterbox.
Monday, June 21, 2004
for the time being....
Just so everyone knows, I am temporarily enforcing a new rule: if you post, you must also enter a message into the chatterbox This is twofold: it will help remove the offensive messages, and it will help me catch the doer of these evil doings. SHOULD YOU NOT LEAVE A MESSAGE, I MAY ASSUME THAT IT IS YOU!!!
Attention everybody: this is a public service announcement. The chatterbox is completely rude and offensive. Unless the person responsible comes forward, they will be kicked out when they are discovered. Should they come forward, they will only recieve one warning. Thank you.
Sunday, June 20, 2004
ted merch.
i saw the ted store, awesome but we need some shirts... and do i get any money for it, comsidered i am one of the co-founders of the band and i drew the picture...so yea make some shirts and ill buy. but i should get them for a flat price
ted merch.
i saw the ted store, awesome but we need some shirts... and do i get any money for it, comsidered i am one of the co-founders of the band and i drew the picture...so yea make some shirts and ill buy. but i should get them for a flat price
I just hope none of you are fathers...(especially sporko or emily combe...who would be the father there?...)
Friday, June 18, 2004
ok, sad story, the other day i ordered a laptop from dell (graduation present!!::cheer::) it was all good until yesterday when a got an email..."becuase of a unexpected error your shipment will not arrive till the first of july" so imthinking ok that sucks but i can live... then i get this "your order has been lost, please reorder"... so i call up dell... and i get this "if your are calling about a lost order please understand that a computer error has occured, please reorder"...a computer error YOUR A COMPUTER COMPANY!!!! you have millions of employees who make and program computers HOW CAN U HAVE A ERROR!!!! ok, if they cant make computers that work for the people who make them, then why would i want to buy one for me...
i have one single question: is every ones summer as lame as mine? i mean i have so much time its getting scary. comment if you actualy have a life, well wait, if you have a life you wouldnt be on the internet. well then comment if you dotn have a life.
p.s. I WANT TO GO TO THE FEZ!!! but no, my mum is taking me to some other stupid concert. ARRRGH!!! holy unfairness batman.
p.s. I WANT TO GO TO THE FEZ!!! but no, my mum is taking me to some other stupid concert. ARRRGH!!! holy unfairness batman.
Thursday, June 17, 2004
Wednesday, June 16, 2004
new poll
A new poll is up. I thought it was time since we already decided and acted upon the last one. Vote danmm you, vote!
coolest thing happened, ok so i got this new pedal ok...so im playing around with the knobs and i try turning everything to full treble, then suddenly i hear this weird noise so i play around with it and and get rid of most of the feedback then suddenly the noise come throught clear and its a JAPANESE RADIO STATION!!! i dont no how its possible but my new pedal picks up radio stations that arent from anywere near here, i even checked no japanese or chinese radio for a few hundred miles... but i still get it loud and clear, i have proof from my mom and brother they both heard it.
Hmm, I just saw Franz Ferdinand (the band, not the historical figure) on Late Night with Conan O'Brien. They're pretty good, even live. I've even decided to buy the album. I love iTunes, I don't even need to leave the house - pathetic, but convenient.
if someone agrees to actualy let me be in ted, i would still say no. anyway i dotn think your high voice would go (at all) well with the music ive heard.
Tuesday, June 15, 2004
Monday, June 14, 2004
three cheers!!
Yeah about Dougie's award: like every other day, Dougie is the greatest person we all know and doesnt get credit for, they forgot to give him the award!!! So I say we all give him a little cheer for winning and a virtual pat on the back...
am i the only one???
am i the only one who relized that either guiggy or dougie changed the name of the blog?? thank you so much for maiking me feel loved and changing the name from damned to danmmed i feel so, whats that word, special. anyway, thats awesome, thank you. so... are we ever gonna have that pool party, and when? i mean pick someones houes and plan it, cause i can go to either. there is just one big peoblem, the boy/girl sleepover is fine with me but i dotn think its gonna go over well with my parents, gabo and tuck know how paraniod my rents are. but if you set something up ill try to pursuade them. blah!!!
love and all,
love and all,
Sunday, June 13, 2004
Check it out:
Blogger now offers free audioblogging! And also, notice anything different about the blog?
Saturday, June 12, 2004
email addresses
Prospective members of the Blog of the Damned: Comment to this and leave your email address. Specifically I am talking to Kelsey and Phatness, but I suppose others can do it too if they want. And Phatness: I think we're just going to have to get on a conference call and go through this step-by-step or something, because we have sent you a lot of invites. Oh well. Anyway, I need your email address if you want to join.
I just gotta tell someone....
By the way, who the hell is Peter Frampton?
By the way, who the hell is Peter Frampton?
::sigh:: i want to see stepford wives, but my mum says i cant see it, she says it got bad reviews and she thinks it looks bad. dont you love the fact that she thinks if she wont like it i wont like it, heh heh so not true. and i think that goes for riddick too, sorry tucker. ::sigh:: good news for gus tho.... i can see shrek2, and now for the bad news, not today. since my dad broke his leg he thinks he should be pampered, so we are talkign him to longwood gardens, and guess who gets to push around the wheelchair? you guessed it yours truly. joy. and now for more good news (bad news for you gus) we cant see shrek2 tommrow either for its my bros birthday party and we are going paintballing (yay!). bad news for dougie, and tucker tho, i am oh so sorry i cant bring anyone, plus i doubt any of your parents are gonna want to sighn the waver required by anyone under 21. heh heh heh its a fun but dangerous sport. so have fun at the movies ::sniff sniff:: with out me...
p.s. i am free monday!!! w00t!!!
p.s. i am free monday!!! w00t!!!
[insert pointless title here] (note the proper use of "[ ]" sporko)
Blah, Stepford Wives...hm...I say Chronicles of Riddick... but that's just me...
Friday, June 11, 2004
Thursday, June 10, 2004
an idea
Here's an idea for that pool party: if we were to have a pool party at night, it would probably be best to have a sleep-over because I have a feeling that my parents, at least, would be somewhat less than willing to pick me up at someone's house at whatever it may be, 2 AM or whatever. So, as I said, if it were a sleep-over it could go as late as we wanted without any worries.
Just an idea.
Just an idea.
sweet 16
happy birthday RJ! RJ is my older brother and its his sweet 16. i truly have no idea why i am tellign you this. but its cool, sunday RJ, RJs friends and i are goign paintballing. that ought to be amusing (i am realy quite good at painball w00t!) anyway.. if you want to wish RJ a sweet 16 please leave a comment... hed realy like that... happy birthday RJ! -spork townsend
::insert pointless title here::
Calling all members of TED, your mission, if you chose to accept it is to get Dougie to get everyone together to record again, soon!! So Dougie, invite them and they will come. I just got a ton of crazy like hard-core garage rock stuff and a hard-core garage rock pedal so I need to record and it's gonna sound so cool with like the wailing clarinet in the backround and then erics have to do a solo with my pedal!! It's gonna be amazing.
Wednesday, June 09, 2004
righ tnow i am sitting on my couch in my living room watching the west wing, eatign apples and drinking water (i wonder how long i can live on water and appels) i am talkign to my bro about witch movie we are gonna watch. i want to see the boondock saints he wants to see donnie darko (i watched donnie darko a few days ago, thats just too much donnie (no matter how hott he is)) i think we are gonna watch the boondock saints its got more than 230 swears (about 3 a min) its terribly violent and vuglar. anyway, i felt like telling [insert your name here] what i am doing. by the way i am gonna close my poll soon so vote now! (red? purple? green?)
Tuesday, June 08, 2004
to the whole group of PSLs: (gabo, tuck, sporko, dougie) we are meetign at my house rom 11-4 just to hang out. if you wish the pool is open so bring your bathing suit (if you wish). and er... um... yeah. by the way its me, sporko and we are meeting at my house (aka the paperbag)
Monday, June 07, 2004
so cool
I know most of you, know all the cool things about google like that it's can search telephone numbers and give you addresses and names but did you know that if you type in a math problem it solves it?? Now that is a high quality search engine.
screw lighters
It's the future of concerts!! I was at the Blink 182/ No Doubt concert, which was seroiuly rockin' and they had this thingy, were they played like a slower song and they were like "before many of u were born, in the late 90's, during a slow song poeple held up lighters, but now it's the techonloy age and everything so in recongion of this ever hold up you're cell phones instead". Cool idea right, well its was awesome, one of the coolest thing's I've ever seen. Just had to share that moment, and i got a cool pic but it was too dark and didnt come out right.
Latest Poll
Kelsey, as most of you know, was a former member of the Montgomery School class of '04. She is asking for admittance to the blog. Should we allow members of our class who are no longer members admitance into BotD? Vote in the sidebar to cast you opinion.
the list of list's list's on!!
Ok, today we have my favorite music list, stolen straight from the blog of Gabo. (not in order)
THE WHITE STRIPES!! ::(::insert loud cheering here::) um...well everything, there are only about 2 or 3 white stripes songs i dont love, but i still like all of it. But if I had to choose a favorite it would be the self titled cd.
NIRVANA!!: they have this three disk CD thingy, titled Nirvana (hm..how orginial), thats the best one.
Franz Ferinand: one of the CD's in my stereo now, is there one and only CD, self titled
Phantom Planet: yes Carson, I do like some emo, both of Their CD's are awesome but the second one is my favorite
Jimi Hendrix: Are you expierienced (or the greatest hits, but thats kinda cheating)
Led Zepplin: IV and III
Crystal Method: greatest techno band ever, um..it's the CD with the crab on it, damn, don't remember the name
Ramones: again I'm gonna cheat and say Greatest hits
Red Hot Chili Peppers: By the Way
Vines: Winning Day's
Weezer: Pinkerton (yes more emo, but only pinkerton)
VON BONDIES!!: amazing band, you have to buy Pawn Shoppe Heart
Hives: Veni Vedi Vicuois (expect spelled right)
Less than Jake: fine I give up, Hello Rockveiw and Anthem are good, but Pezcore still sucks!!
Muse: have no idea what the album is...
AC/DC: Back in Black, you HAVE to buy this
Modest Mouse: damn the radio for over playing this song, this was MY song, i predicted it would get big and now everyone sings it :: sob::
Black Sabbath: We Sold our Souls for Rock and Roll, best quote ever..." I was into sex, drugs and rock and roll, was paying for the sex and the drugs"- Ozzy
Bush: Sixteeth Stone, everything zen is a awesome song...
Metallica: Saint Anger
Green Day: (I'm cheating again) Greatest Hit's
Yeah, that's a pretty good list but I'm sure I left someone out...
THE WHITE STRIPES!! ::(::insert loud cheering here::) um...well everything, there are only about 2 or 3 white stripes songs i dont love, but i still like all of it. But if I had to choose a favorite it would be the self titled cd.
NIRVANA!!: they have this three disk CD thingy, titled Nirvana (hm..how orginial), thats the best one.
Franz Ferinand: one of the CD's in my stereo now, is there one and only CD, self titled
Phantom Planet: yes Carson, I do like some emo, both of Their CD's are awesome but the second one is my favorite
Jimi Hendrix: Are you expierienced (or the greatest hits, but thats kinda cheating)
Led Zepplin: IV and III
Crystal Method: greatest techno band ever, um..it's the CD with the crab on it, damn, don't remember the name
Ramones: again I'm gonna cheat and say Greatest hits
Red Hot Chili Peppers: By the Way
Vines: Winning Day's
Weezer: Pinkerton (yes more emo, but only pinkerton)
VON BONDIES!!: amazing band, you have to buy Pawn Shoppe Heart
Hives: Veni Vedi Vicuois (expect spelled right)
Less than Jake: fine I give up, Hello Rockveiw and Anthem are good, but Pezcore still sucks!!
Muse: have no idea what the album is...
AC/DC: Back in Black, you HAVE to buy this
Modest Mouse: damn the radio for over playing this song, this was MY song, i predicted it would get big and now everyone sings it :: sob::
Black Sabbath: We Sold our Souls for Rock and Roll, best quote ever..." I was into sex, drugs and rock and roll, was paying for the sex and the drugs"- Ozzy
Bush: Sixteeth Stone, everything zen is a awesome song...
Metallica: Saint Anger
Green Day: (I'm cheating again) Greatest Hit's
Yeah, that's a pretty good list but I'm sure I left someone out...
Sunday, June 06, 2004
i have one question for the makers of AIM, or anyone else who wants to answer me. when i IM someone, there SN is blue and my SN is red, but the colin (the two little dots after the SN) are blue for me and red for them, thats all fine and dandy. but when i put up an away message the colin for in my away message box is gray-ish. whats up with that? [[the food calls for me]] sporko
I don't know whether or not you need something like this, but if you need a free image hosting site with hotlinking (aka it gives you something like "http://www.place.com/pic.jpg"), you'd like ApplePics. Just a thought.
i am not realy happy, summer is depressing but whatever i am gonna pretend to be happy, mabbie i can pursuade my self. right well i realy cant think of anything postive... nothings happened, except that in the next week or so i am gonna be dyign my hair black and red, black and purple or black and green i am picking the color on what you vote. if you care to vote on the color check out blog-o-rama. the ted practice was cool, after aboitu 4 hours of practicing and recording we watched spinal tap, when that was over we watched monty python and the holy grail, then i left. we had fun. now i have to go do laundry for i am the only one in the house who knows that colors and whites dont get washed together. [[instert closing here]] sporko
::insert piontless title here::
This is an awesome story, it's the weirdest accident ever... A construction worker in Lancaster, Calif., is
expected to make a full recovery after accidentally being shot in the
head with a nail gun -- six times. Three of the nails penetrated his
brain; one entered his spinal column, but luckily not his spinal cord.
Witnesses say Isidro Mejia, 39, fell from the roof of the house he was
building onto another worker who was using the gun below. "The guy
holding the nail gun was grabbing to keep from falling, and just
gripped tighter on the trigger," said a Los Angeles County sheriff's
investigator. "It's a nail gun they use for framing. It can drive nails
through 2-by-4s." (Los Angeles Times) ...It's the first time L.A. cops
have said it: a Mexican guy really was framed.
pictures (don't worry, just x-rays)
expected to make a full recovery after accidentally being shot in the
head with a nail gun -- six times. Three of the nails penetrated his
brain; one entered his spinal column, but luckily not his spinal cord.
Witnesses say Isidro Mejia, 39, fell from the roof of the house he was
building onto another worker who was using the gun below. "The guy
holding the nail gun was grabbing to keep from falling, and just
gripped tighter on the trigger," said a Los Angeles County sheriff's
investigator. "It's a nail gun they use for framing. It can drive nails
through 2-by-4s." (Los Angeles Times) ...It's the first time L.A. cops
have said it: a Mexican guy really was framed.
pictures (don't worry, just x-rays)
Wow, this is really sad...All of my friends are away so instead I'm spending my time over a celebirty obsession of Craig Nicholls, or as I like to call him CN, (the crazy lead guitarist and singer of The Vines) who looks like he's stoned...but..oh well...so does Green Poncho Boy...
Anyway, for all of you Vines lovers out there (like myself). Here's the most amazing music video ever!!!!!!...
Ride...(I'm lazy so just cut and paste this in the address box yourself)...
If you want more of my pointless ramblings of CN or the lyric to Ride, go to my blog...you know where it is...
Anyway, for all of you Vines lovers out there (like myself). Here's the most amazing music video ever!!!!!!...
Ride...(I'm lazy so just cut and paste this in the address box yourself)...
If you want more of my pointless ramblings of CN or the lyric to Ride, go to my blog...you know where it is...
Ok, we officially need to get some better posts on here, Ransom posting about how bored he is...come on...hm...we need something good to post about...ok, everyone post a link to there favorite site and say what it is. Yeah, that might work, every so often someone just post something like favorite band or something, then everyone visit the site/listen/whatever the thingy then comment on it...
Saturday, June 05, 2004
get together
Calling all members of Ted! We should be getting together at my house for practice/recording at around 11 today until as long as you can stay. If you need directions, I suggest you look online for them, because I'm no good at them. Anyway, I'll be on AIM if you need me for anything else.
Friday, June 04, 2004
Blog of the Damned
Wow, guy's you no what, all the crap that everyone say's about, missing each other and how you'll always remeber. Yeah, well, it's time for me to say it, and for the first time I mean it. Only two years at Montgomery, but damn, best two years of my life. We have to keep this blog going, and I'm gonna start having a bunch of parties with all the Montgomery people's. Oh, yeah and cheesy inpirsation chapel speech thingy, you guys remember the barn, thats our class, awesome together but even when we are broken up made into another barn, or furniture, we are still Montgomerian's at heart, still a part of the barn. God, I'm gonna miss this school (::sniff, sniff::).
a gift
As my present to all of you, I'm allowing each of you to ask me a question, any question about anything, and I will answer it. It's your choice how you want to ask me, you can email me, IM me, or even just ask me in the comments. Oh, and if you really want to know how I feel about graduating, you can just go to my blog and read the latest post.
its over
that was the best year i have ever had, and no i am not lying to you, i have never had a more meaningfull, fun, amazing, awesome, slinkster cool, time ever. and i know that a lot of you think that too, but i am just stating facts like i allways do. the best parts of the entire year:
1. the first day of school.
2. the first dance (when i met tucker).
3. the malvern dance (not the kiss).
4. the play.
5. the whole (yes whole) canada trip (moaches!)
6. graduation
7. getting hugs from everyone
8. knowing that i will never forget any of you or the stuff we went through, no matter how hard i try (ill only be trying to forget some things)
9. seeing every one together for the last time and loving everything about it all.
thank you so much for all the wonderfull and not so wonderfull times we had, it was the most amazing year i have ever had and will stay the best danmmed year ever! -Rachel (AKA sporko)
1. the first day of school.
2. the first dance (when i met tucker).
3. the malvern dance (not the kiss).
4. the play.
5. the whole (yes whole) canada trip (moaches!)
6. graduation
7. getting hugs from everyone
8. knowing that i will never forget any of you or the stuff we went through, no matter how hard i try (ill only be trying to forget some things)
9. seeing every one together for the last time and loving everything about it all.
thank you so much for all the wonderfull and not so wonderfull times we had, it was the most amazing year i have ever had and will stay the best danmmed year ever! -Rachel (AKA sporko)
Thursday, June 03, 2004
Dougie's Advice Corner
Next time somebody gives you a brown receipt which they claim will defeat a satanic 400-year old cat who has possessed a Chinese businessman, you'd better darn well take it!
Taken from SomethingAwful.com.
Taken from SomethingAwful.com.
Random Thoughs by a Guy Named Taco
The new blog is born!!! The address is... http://tacohut.blogspot.com/ so one of you smart folk add my blog to the side bar thingy.
Tuesday, June 01, 2004
actualy that is a realy good CD, i also have it (and have had it for a while). the single "take me out" is realy good, and no tuck your not the only one who knows of them. blah, um... yeah, i still want a kit kat bar, i saw one in the superfresh, but i didnt have anymoney and my mum wouldnt let me buy it grr.
Franz Ferdinand
Your random history lesson of the day. (Because it pertains to my 20th Century Project). Franz, also known as Francis, Ferdinand was the Archduke of Austria-Hungary in 1914. In early July, he and his wife were driving through the town of Sarajevo, Bosnia, when 19 year-old Gavrilo Princip stepped out of the crowd and opened fire. This event triggered world war 1, one of the bloodiest military conflicts of all time.
um....that didnt work
for some reason the hyperlink on the last post died or something, so heres the address...http://www.franzferdinand.co.uk/
Band of the Week/Day/Year
FRANZ FERINAND: sure they're named after a pyscho military leader, and sure they sing creepy songs about being gay with a guy named Micheal but they rock!! These guys are all like funky retro garage rocky and thats awesome. Some of you may have heard of there single "take me out" (::cricket:: maybe not...). anyway you guys have to buy the CD, which is self titled. Oh yeah, there also British, this is kinda crapy site becuase the left out all the music but heres there homepage...