Memorandum to Neon
Quiggy is not being oppressive; he is discriminating accordingly. So far in its virtual existence, The Blog of the Danmmed has existed as a haven for Montgomery students, now ex-Montgomery students of course, and he is merely sticking by the principles on which this blog was founded. While in the future there may be exceptions to this, you have not made an overly convincing case for yourself. I hope that future animosity between the denizens of the BotD and yourself may be avoided, and I do apologize if the current configuration of the BotD has caused you any distress. However, we are currently unable to fulfill your wish to join, and as your present actions contradict any perceived desire you might have to join, we do not see a possibility of a wish of that nature being fulfilled in the foreseeable future. Once again, I apologize for the inconvenience.
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