Blog of the Danmmed

Friday, June 18, 2004


ok, sad story, the other day i ordered a laptop from dell (graduation present!!::cheer::) it was all good until yesterday when a got an email..."becuase of a unexpected error your shipment will not arrive till the first of july" so imthinking ok that sucks but i can live... then i get this "your order has been lost, please reorder"... so i call up dell... and i get this "if your are calling about a lost order please understand that a computer error has occured, please reorder"...a computer error YOUR A COMPUTER COMPANY!!!! you have millions of employees who make and program computers HOW CAN U HAVE A ERROR!!!! ok, if they cant make computers that work for the people who make them, then why would i want to buy one for me...


  • A very good question, Tucker. Here's the answer: You wouldn't! Please tell me you haven't reordered yet - there's still a chance you could buy an Apple computer. You can choose between an iBook or a PowerBook. Here are the reasons why you should buy one of these instead of a Dell: 1.) It's not a Dell; 2.) It doesn't run Windows (no viruses, spyware, or adware!); 3.) You can run Windows if you really have to using a program called Virtual PC, which emulates it exactly; 4.) You know the recording set-up I have? You could have that, only portable!
    Once you go Mac, you never go back.

    By Blogger Doug, at 9:16 PM  

  • i want a apple but my parents wont let me

    By Blogger Tucker Hughes, at 9:56 PM  

  • Argh! Rebel, Tucker, rebel! Before it's too late!

    By Blogger Doug, at 9:03 PM  

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