exciting news
...if you're desperately bored or have an addiction to voting in polls. In case the previous sentence didn't tip you off, the Blog of the Danmmed is proud to bring you another poll! The results of the previous poll indicated that Quiggy and I are evil mutant lobster chickens, which would explain why typing is so difficult. Thank goodness for mail-order helper monkeys!
Sure! Just get yourself a Helper Monkey Ltd. Summer '04 catalog!
Doug, at 7:33 PM
now dougie, you know that the only good helper monkeys are from helpermonkey.com the catolog isant half as good.
Rach, at 10:28 AM
Ya caught me...
Doug, at 12:22 PM
If you are in the market for a quality helper monkey the people at Monkey Marketing inc are pround to present the model T. The Tucker monkey is a inovaation and is revolutionizing the market. If you are ready to buy this hisroty making, luxury monkey we ask for a down payment of 13,000...yen. The monkey WILL ask for tips, simply turn him away and ignore the puppy face. In you are interested please visit our call our toll-loaded number at...610 -240-0621. Thank your and from all of us at Monkey Marketing, "for quality cleaning, monkeys from Monkey Marketing, sometimes work"
Tucker Hughes, at 12:43 AM
well, i must admit the tucker monkeys are high quality (i have one, i got it free of chage with the note card holding midget) quite a good buy id say.
Rach, at 12:47 PM
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