compromise with Neon
Neon (aka Evan), I have a compromise. If you never try to destroy BotD, I am willing to have you have our members joining your blog, so long as you never insult BotD's admins (in an admin sense) or try to destroy BotD. If you agree, send me an invitation to Cool!
Er, Quiggy? Problem one: We/you have no control over our members outside of what they do on this blog; two, I think we shouldn't be insulted, but sometimes we deserve it, and, y'know, if we can't laugh at ourselves, who can we laugh at?; three, we aren't in a position of power over Neon, and we really can't make him do anything. I see a way how things could possibly work out, and it's not pleasant: First, we try to control Neon; second, he (understandably) refuses; third, the members of BotD, disillusioned by their admins actions, are seduced by Neon, and in step number four, they abandon the BotD like rats from a ship and join Neon's blog. Obviously this is a worst-case scenario, but I really don't want that happening (I am a pessimist). So I think that we should just say, let the members of BotD join his blog if they want, and so long as we don't do anything to provoke Neon, we will expect him to do the same for us. I don't see any reason for our blogs to be at war.
Doug, at 6:47 PM
True. Whatever you guys wanna do, please do it, just please don't try to destroy BotD Neon!
Igor, at 6:13 PM
Heh, thanks.
Doug, at 11:43 AM
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