sweet 16
happy birthday RJ! RJ is my older brother and its his sweet 16. i truly have no idea why i am tellign you this. but its cool, sunday RJ, RJs friends and i are goign paintballing. that ought to be amusing (i am realy quite good at painball w00t!) anyway.. if you want to wish RJ a sweet 16 please leave a comment... hed realy like that... happy birthday RJ! -spork townsend
invite me to paintball!!!!
Tucker Hughes, at 4:08 PM
I've already wished him happy birthday, but I'll do it again! Happy birthday!
Doug, at 6:09 PM
Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By the way, sporko you know who your brother reminds me of...that guy from American Pie who did the Buddist meditation...he just talks the same sort of...
Anonymous, at 8:43 PM
wait, my brother reminds you of the guy who had a thing for stifflers mom??? eww!!! and thanks everyone he liked it.
Rach, at 9:48 AM
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