Gabo! I'm shocked. Don't you remember from the Simpsons, when Homer goes to Lollapalooza or whatever it was, he gets shot in the stomach with Peter Frampton's pig? Remember? Then he becomes part of the freak-show and they start shooting him with cannons. Guest starring the Smashing Pumpkins, Sonic Youth, and others.
1st of all, wow Dougie I can't believe you remembered that...but now that you mention it I do remember. Oh, and congrats on the award you finally got that you didn't originally get. I'm so happy for you! :) Ok, 2nd of all, when I hear a "w00t" the unknown is oviously you, Ben! I wonder what the message was Spork removed...maybe..."CAN I COME GABO? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE?!"
Gabo! I'm shocked. Don't you remember from the Simpsons, when Homer goes to Lollapalooza or whatever it was, he gets shot in the stomach with Peter Frampton's pig? Remember? Then he becomes part of the freak-show and they start shooting him with cannons. Guest starring the Smashing Pumpkins, Sonic Youth, and others.
Doug, at 11:47 AM
can i come to the concert? please? please? please?
(by the way i might me goign to a modest mouse concert w00t!)
Anonymous, at 12:01 PM
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Rach, at 12:01 PM
1st of all, wow Dougie I can't believe you remembered that...but now that you mention it I do remember. Oh, and congrats on the award you finally got that you didn't originally get. I'm so happy for you! :)
Ok, 2nd of all, when I hear a "w00t" the unknown is oviously you, Ben!
I wonder what the message was Spork removed...maybe..."CAN I COME GABO? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE?!"
Anonymous, at 5:15 PM
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