Back in the age of pirates, there was one ship that ruled the seas. It was a typical pirate ship, with a typical captain. The only strange thing was that the captain always wore a red shirt. One day, one of the crew members went up to the captain and asked, "Why do you always wear that red shirt?" "Oh that?" asked the captain. "I wear that so that if I ever get shot, you will never see the blood, so that you can keep in fighting the same." And so the guy walked away thinking OK, that's pretty cool. We've got a pretty great guy for our captain. Later that day, an enemy ship started approaching. The pirates got ready for battle, and started sailing towards the enemies. They shot a few warning shots, which were responded with other shots. Soon, both sides were almost ready to fight when the captain yelled back to the crew, "Quick! Go get my brown pants!"
Heh heh...
Doug, at 1:22 PM
That was a REALLY crappy joke...
Anonymous, at 5:16 PM
Heh, I just got the pun in the title. Nice work, there.
Doug, at 5:50 PM
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