follow up post!!!
ok well i tried to comment this but its way to long... i noticed that a few people flipped over my last post... just felt like addressing it... ok first off chill, i just thought it was interesting to post, but yeah whole piont of the letter is and that arguement in general is not to disapprove god its to prove that u cant take everything in the bible literally. I know relegion is a touchy thing, but my opionin is that people use religion as a means to solve the problems that have with themselves, a self help line really. It's hard to explain without sounding really screwed up, but i beleive in religion becuase i know that its the natural way for a human to cope with the hardships of life and it actually is helpful to me ina a ton of ways, but i dont really beleive in a god. I also beleive the bible is a story, A STORY, not a historal or holy document. Its created to help people, its a source of socail codes and a way to forgive themselves for sins. Unforunatly its also a politicail tool, it was re-written many times before it was finallized into the canan (in the third century... so ha dont call me ignorant about this stuff) and re-intpreted to allow for unchallegned rule of kings, invasions and crusades (yes even iraq in a way, not to mention those crusades started the grudge that led to 9/11 leading to the war in iraq.. its all a big circle), the improtance of men in a household, and the prosecution of gays, blacks and any other religion still seem like a holy document? Even today people use religion to excuse all kinds of things, like bush with the war, take for example "christains for the death penalty", if they called themselves "upper white class citzens with no criminal record or chance of being arrested for the death penalty and against the tax pressure of prison" then it would seem cruel, but if their christian.. then ok, as long as its in the name of christ... U REALLY THIBK CHRIST IS FOR THE DEATH PENALTY?!?! id say he got the short end of that stick in his day!!! I mean read the bible, i think "dont kill" is a pretty clear commandment, or love thine enemies... same for the christains for the war.... how do u miss that?!?! Either way.. back to my orginail piont, religion is a self help line. and should be treated as such... u never hear from the "pyschic phill hotliners for the war" becuase its not a way of life its a way to cope with it...
Anonymous, at 1:39 PM
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