ladies and gentlemen... i present taco's BAND OF THE FUTURE!! thats right the amazing band that u will soon love and buy the cd of only to find out that they started to play on the radio and everyone things they discovered a new band that no one knows..well... u no how it goes... so anyway the band is THE BRAVERY!!! [Ed. - When you make links, remember the http://] yea just click on the name for sounds clips etc. etc... i dont think they sell the cd at most cd stores but im sure theyll pick up on these guys pretty soon... hey now that radio destroyed the killers and franz ferdinand i suppose a good combination like these guys are bound to be brutally killed by the hoards of pop culture... on a lighter note they are doing a stop in miami and iv called some friends who are gonna go to the show and hopefully send some pics and reviews....
shut up, i meant "i've".. happy??
Tucker Hughes, at 3:17 PM
Now now, let's play nice.
Doug, at 6:19 PM
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