Change of Address
I just wanted to mention quickly that my blog has moved from its old Blog*Spot address to its own domain and server, and it can now be accessed at I've updated the link wherever I could, but if you link to my blog from your own site, you should update the link, as the old address is no longer updated.
And for those of you who are interested in doing something like that yourself, I got extremely affordable hosting from KylixHost and a cheap domain from FatCow.
No! No, not at all. I got the address/domain/server for my personal blog, the one I've been keeping since last November. Also, I didn't just get it for the address part, I got it because now it's a lot easier to upload photos, I have a ton of server space, and I can have all sorts of cool add-ons. It's not necessary, not in the least, but I'm a big enough geek that it gives me plenty of stuff to have fun with.
Doug, at 9:03 PM
I agree with Dougie. We're just nerds. I haven't done so yet, but I'm thinking of buying
Igor, at 2:21 PM
So sorry Quiggy, but I'm fairly certain the DNS doesn't allow URLs that big. ::Does some googling:: Says here that most web browsers have a URL length limit of 200 characters... Hmm... ::Googles further:: Looks like it used to be the limit was 23 characters on a domain name, but now it seems the quasi-official limit is 63 characters. So, you could still have an annoyingly long domain, but not that long.
Doug, at 5:45 PM
Oh, but the Guiness book of world records has one that's like 150 characters long. Yeah.
Igor, at 8:03 PM
1.) Is that the actual domain name or does it include subdirectories and whatnot?
2.) Okay, even if it is a domain name, why don't you just go and try to register one that long, huh?
Doug, at 10:33 AM
1) It is an actual domain, and 2) no thanks!
Igor, at 2:59 PM
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