ah hem...
just putting this out there....Second, no posting that insults someone else. Doing so results in deletion of post, verbal warning, and/or expulsion from the blog. and...no major curse words either! ... in fact u even wrote that didnt u matt??
1) im not trying to kick qiuggy off the blog
2)im christian!!! i go to cathloic school!!
3) this is not a attack on ur (and my) religion, its just me posting my musing!!
Tucker Hughes, at 3:25 PM
4) y r u so offended?!? most of the bloggers here are christain,and im not hearing complaints from anyone else... and not to sound like an ass or anything but u have to confront these things and figure them out for urself in order to get closer to ur religion...
Tucker Hughes, at 3:28 PM
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