sporko and her long list o' complaints
i take it i have been banned from speaking in hacker, sayign i doubt anyof you can read hacker fluently (knowing a few words is NOT considered fluent.) blah, where did quiggy go anyway, i miss him. and emily the poll that tuck put up was "mabye later if she breaks more rules" and "yes" i personaly voted yes, you have broken enough rules as it is. 60% says "mabye later" its later we shoudl kick you out, youve broken enough rules. 40% thought we should have kicked you out a while ago. quiggy, we need your expert advice on this matter (or your password so i can kick her out.) for now, this is sporko reporting from SBC (sporko brodcasting company)
You haven't been banned, it's your choice whether you do or not.
Doug, at 12:35 PM
Anyway, Emily did apologize, so I'm not going to kick her off the blog.
Doug, at 12:36 PM
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