worst dance ever...
Last night was the BS high freshman socail.... it was undoubtably the worst dance ever.... it started out like any other lame dance, everyone just stood around the entrance and bobbed their head to the music... then finally after like 45 mintues people start dancing.. which was ok expect that a lot of people had dates so it wasnt like a malvern dance were u just grabbed random people, which sucked cuase i didnt have a date... and they kept the lights on the teachers were literally standing in the middle... then all of a sudden the music stops and the dj's lights go out... and our principal ( a nun) comes on over the loudspeaker.... she had literally PULLED THE PLUG ON THE DJ... so she makes everyone in the dance SIT DOWN ON THE DANCEFLOOR... and she goes on this tyrate about inapproite dancing saying we look like dogs humping firehidrents, lol, and that our dancing was literally having sex with clothes on... then threatens us saying that if we dont stop the dancing we would have the sit in the auditorim for the rest of the dance... and she would fire the dj for playing inapproite music!!! so for the rest of the dance they LOCKED ALL THE DOORS to make sure no one left and put on crappy 80's synth pop, nat cole ballads... the dj had nothing but rap music so he kept playing the same crappy music over and over... until a sister gave him a... get this... CHRISTIAN ROCK CD... it was torture... literally... worst dance ever....
That's pretty crappy. Though, it wouldn't have been if the group was Relient K.
Igor, at 12:32 PM
i didnt say all dances suck, malvern dances are awesome... and i forgot to mention that since its a tradition to invite upper class men to the dance there were a lot there.. and they made a rule that if anyone gets in trouble for dancing then they cant go to their prom!!
Tucker Hughes, at 12:43 PM
**twitch** oh man...I so would go un-Quaker on that nun if i were there...cause of what she did and also because of unhappy all-girls Catholic school memories...
Anonymous, at 1:31 PM
If not kidnapping, then it's definitely violating some firecodes.
Doug, at 7:47 PM
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